Sunday, December 20, 2015

What If...

 “What if?”  It’s a fascinating way to start a discussion.  What if I saved $50 from every paycheck for the next 6 months?  What if I skipped class today and went to the beach?  What if I’d tried harder to make things work with my ex?  Questions of “what if?” ring with imagination.  They challenge us to look beyond what we have in front of us to what we could have if only we’d change some things. 

I am not naturally the kind of person that follows the “what if’s” of life.  I find such territory frightening.  It’s a world beyond my control—a world where anything can happen.  But I find myself with a question from God that I can’t seem to shake.  “What if Ellen G. White was right about an ‘army of youth’ needing to finish the work so that Jesus could come back?”  This is a compelling question for me as a youth leader because it means that my work isn’t just about saving a few souls.  My work is about getting to go home!  It means that my responsibility goes beyond programming.  My responsibility is to empower every young person I come in contact with to be a part of that army.  I need to help them understand their mission and I need to help them recruit others.

This inevitably begs the question: “Do my current efforts reflect this responsibility?”  I’d have to answer sadly, “no”.  My recent ministry efforts haven’t been so much a reflection of my desire to contribute to the army of youth as it has been a reflection of my commitment to the traditions of my church.  Don’t get me wrong I love my church!  But are the traditions of my church really the most effective way to reach this generation of youth?  Maybe? Maybe not?  I’ve found that when I remain faithful to the Bible but step away from tradition, I am more effective at reaching young people and empowering them to reach others. 

This inevitably leads to another fearful question: “What if I did ministry fully committed to the Bible and building the army of youth?”  This is how Gladiators for God came about.  My decision to step out of the box, Bible in hand, and do my part for God’s great army.  It is terrifying and exhilarating and I can’t wait to see what God does with it. 

“Let no one despise you because of your youth, but set the believers an example, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12