Monday, March 14, 2016

The Secret Weapon

by Catrina LeSure

During World War II, the United States Marines relied heavily on around 500 men tasked with transmitting and translating tactical messages in Navajo language.  Using such a complex language allowed officers to transfer messages across enemy lines without fear that interception would compromise the battle plan.  While enemies may have managed to intercept these transmissions, there was no way to translate the messages without a Navajo code talker.  These men were integral to successfully transmitting secret messages where they were needed.

While Navajo code talkers were used as secret weapons in World War II, the true weapon was successful communication, untarnished by enemy lies.  Communication is an integral part of any war.  Throughout every battle there is a need for leaders to send and receive information for the front line.  Without these open lines of communication, soldiers find themselves isolated from hope or a plan.  Trapped in the throws of battle, it can be a very dark and frightening place without a connection to the outside.  Fortunately, we have access 24/7 to our Commander and Chief.  We can both send and receive messages across enemy lines without fear of interception.

But here's the reality: We have to use it.  Paul's call to the armor of Christ was covered in the necessity of prayer.  We have to continually connect with God through prayer in order to ensure that we are receiving instructions and sharing our struggle with Him.  While it's tempting to go in swinging and not worry about what's happening outside of your battle, the fact is that God has more wisdom to share than we can handle at one time.  In order to fight with strategy we have to stay connected to God at all times.  We have to pray constantly.

Prayer is about more than just speaking to God.  Prayer includes hearing from God.  We have to speak and listen in order to make sure that our relationship with God remains in tact and that we can hear his voice speaking to us.  Spend time with God praying, praising, and reading His Word in order to ensure that we keep ourselves in perspective.  It's the only way to win this great war.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Smallest Weapon of Mass Destruction

 Have you ever been focused on being fully dressed for school that you would totally forget about that one textbook at home? Have you felt unprepared when you left that item? Imagine a soldier going into battle armored up from head to toe, however he doesn't have anything to fight with. It is always important for a warrior to have a sword with them at times. Using a shield may protect you but you still need something to defend you, a sword.
Paul mentions in Ephesians‬ ‭6:17‬ ‭(NLT‬‬), “...and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” So far, you have read about each piece of armor that is connected with what we know as the "Full Armor of God," notice how Paul uses the Sword of the Spirit as the only weapon used as a part of the armor. I know some are wondering why not use an arrow or a sling to fight with, why a sword? A sword, although it may seem quite simple, but it can do some collateral damage, just as it is mentioned in the book of Hebrews: “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭(NLT‬‬)
A sword is used to attack and defeat the enemy at close range. "Why does God want us to fight at close range, is He serious???" Well, if we were able to fight our battles from a far distance, we would not have growth. The most notorious gladiators are not the ones who fight from far away but up close and personal. The Bible tells us in James 1:2-4, ‭‭"Brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
One person who can vouch for the need of the Sword of The Spirt is Jesus. If you read Luke 4:1-13, you would noticed that the only weapon that Jesus had in the wilderness while being tempted by Satan was The Word of God, The Sword of the Spirit. Satan even tried to quote Scripture but Jesus was able to withstand Satan's attacks with The Sword of the Spirit. 
There are going to be times when people will think that your weapon of choice, in this battlefield called life, is not strong enough, it's not sharp enough, it's not stable enough and that is why you have the shield of faith that would protect you from the arrows of doubts concerning your  Sword. You may have a couple of mishaps with your Sword and you may feel as though it's no big deal, but take time to "sharpen" it by spending time reading the Word of God daily. By doing so, you can fight effectively in your armor while preserving the "wear and tear." 
If we are in the army of God, what is there to worry about? He has supplied us with the finest armor and the sharpest and most powerful weapon known by mankind. It's time for us to face the ends in his face and FIGHT!!!