Saturday, February 20, 2016

Headwraps and Hats and Helmets...OH MY!

by Catrina LeSure

I hate my hair!!! It's kinky and curly and painful to comb and I hate it! That's why people seldom see my hair.  I've covered it with weave, wigs, head wraps, name it.  And don't get me wrong, I have tried to fix my hair.  I've tried relaxers, extensions, and expensive conditioners to get some kind of compliance but they all fall short.  Over the years, my head has become a source of great vulnerability for me.  I hide it because in truth my head has become my heart in many ways.  To be so fully exposed is something I fear.

Now guys, I know I lost you for a minute there with the whole hair drama but let me say this.  We all have our own hair drama.  Each of us has that place that we feel exposed.  We worry about people seeing the real us and not liking what they see.  It may be insecurity about height or weight, concerns how your friends would view your political views, or and inferiority complex when it comes to education.  But we all have things, big or small, that give us pause to reveal to others.

I have great news!  If people saw the real you...they really wouldn't like what they saw.  I know that may sound upsetting or judgmental but it's actually good news.  We are all a mess, some of us just cover it up better than others.  But our true selves are sinful, ugly people, capable of things we wouldn't dare admit to.  We all need something or Someone to change our minds.

Enter the ultimate Helmet against the evil ideas Satan would implant.  While head wraps and hats can cover up what's inside, the helmet of salvation goes even further to change us from the inside out.  Jesus' sacrifice not only saves us but changes us more and more into the people that He wants us to be.  That's a big deal because it's something we can never do on our own.  No matter how hard we try, we cannot remove the evil that has consumed us.  We are powerless against Satan.  But Jesus died to set us free from the power of sin and death.

The brain is sensitive body part and it is fully exposed in battle without the right helmet.  The free salvation offered to us through Jesus fits each of us and protects us from the evil thoughts Satan would send in our direction.  We are safe from the spirit of hopelessness, selfishness, and fear that Satan would send as fiery arrows in our direction.  Instead we are covered with Christ's peace, power, and love.  I think that's a style that looks good on all of us.

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