Monday, February 1, 2016

How Strong is Your Shoe Game

by Darnisha Thomas 

Growing up in the DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia), fashion sense was learned at a young age. Color coordination was key, from head to toe. Pants could not reach a certain length above the ankles or else you would be picked on for wearing “high water pants.” Name brand clothing would give you an abundance of respect, from Apple Bottoms to Baby Phat and even Fubu. As of now, those brands are played out, of all the outfits and accessories, there is one accessory that was and is still important, to this very day., The shoe game. One must always make sure that their shoe game is strong. Their shoes must go along with the latest trends. If they don’t, chances are you might be asked the most important question of all time, “WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE????!!!!!” You don’t want anybody to ask you this question, at all.
From reading Ephesians 6:15, we are to wear shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace. What is the big deal about shoes during Paul’s time? A soldier would wear shoes to protect their feet from debris such as pebbles and sticks while fighting. Imagine a soldier fighting in the heat of battle, with no shoes  who suddenly steps on a sharp item and falls. That soldier would be in a deadly situation. Which is why it was important for Paul to mention the simplest, yet most important accessory as a part of the full armor of God. The beauty of shoes is that we can walk anywhere around the world without having to worry about getting splinters in our feet or exposing them to bacterial infections. What God wants us to know from this verse is that  He wants us to be ready to move when He tells us to move to spread the good news of His Son, Jesus Christ. By binding our shoes with Jesus we will be prepared to walk in the most intense areas of life.
Do you want to be ready to go out for battle? Nike tells us to “Just Do it!” Are you uncertain if your “shoe game” in Christ would protect your vulnerable feet in the hardest times of your life? Adidas reminds us that “Impossible is Nothing.” Will you take on the task of being an effective gladiator for God in this generation? Jordan tells us to “Become Legendary.,”.  It’s time for us to step our shoe game and lace up the peace that surpasses all understanding as the result of the power of the Gospel of Jesus and get out and FIGHT!

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